
Mu Kappa Tau National Marketing Honor Society was founded in 1966 by members of Pi Sigma Epsilon, the National, Professional Fraternity in Marketing, Sales Management and Selling.  It was through commitment to the advancement of study in the field of Marketing and the developing need for recognition of academic excellence within the Marketing discipline that Mu Kappa Tau was created.  MKT is the only marketing specific honor society accredited by the Association of College Honor Societies.


Mu Kappa Tau exists to recognize academic excellence and to encourage individuals seeking a life-long commitment to an exceptional standard of ethics and achievement within the marketing milieu.  Since standards of excellence and goals of achievement are indispensable to progress, Mu Kappa Tau believes outstanding scholastic achievement should be a high priority for every Marketing student, and thus works toward this end.


Purposes of Mu Kappa Tau

•  Encourage and recognize scholarship and high academic accomplishment among Marketing students.
•  Stimulate interaction and the exchange of ideas between members.
•  Promote the advancement of education in Marketing.
•  Foster integrity in the conduct of a Marketing career.
•  Bring Marketing professionals and students together on the basis of mutual interest, understanding, and helpfulness.


Advisor Tools

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MKT Nomination Form

Sample Faculty Invitation

MKT Press Release Template

MKT Logo

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